Manic Monday……..I hate them!

Hey OD!  So my weekend was a complete waste…..the only good thing to come of it was the sirlon and crab legs I had yesterday at Outback….YUMMO!  I love food, maybe that is what my downfall is…..who knows, who cares!  So let me just start off by saying that I have learned the reason why I do NOT date. While Brandian and I were broken up I dated this guy named who I will call N.  In the beginning, everything was perfect…..too perfect…..but I was too blinded by the fact that he treated me like a queen to realize that maybe, just maybe this man might be crazy.  His last name is Muhammad… when we first met, we discussed religions at which time he told me that he was not a Muslim, but that his father practiced the religion and never changed his name back.  Which was believable to me because my mom’s best friend’s name is Shareefah and when she divorced her Muslim husband she never changed her name back.  So we carried on our ‘relationship’ for about 6 weeks… which time all the lies began to unravel.  His real name….Theodore Pointer………his religious declaration…..Muslim……..everything was a lie.  I have no problem with him being a Muslim… problem was the continuous lies.  So I stopped seeing him, stopped accepting his calls…..all that stuff.  Well, now he stalks me…..I’ll come out of my job and he will be parked by my car.  I went to check the mail on Saturday, and he was driving by my house.  And this is not coincidence.  He lives on the opposite side of town from where I work and live.  It is getting ridiculous… I called him yesterday and told him that he needs to stop before I have to take steps that will cause him more trouble than good.  You know what this fool told me….."I love you and I miss you like no other!  I will not convert you or your son.  Let’s just go to the JOP tomorrow and get married!"  So I said, "You are a liar and someone I wouldn’t trust with a blade of grass.  You lied to me continuously and I will NEVER marry you, ever.  As a matter of fact, I am already engaged to my son’s father and we are buying a house here soon.  I suggest that you leave me alone and move on.  Get a life!"  To which he replied, "So that is who’s truck that is always parked in the driveway.  And that is why you have been having meetings in Franklin at that mortgage company. I can make all of that happen for you!"  I hung up……called my dad, who is a police officer, who then called his best friend, who is also a police officer, and they are filing a report today.  I am also getting my gun license renewed this weekend……bang, bang shoot ’em up!  LOL!


Well let me go and attempt to work! LOL!

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