Been a while




Well, it has been a while since I wrote, but life has been extrememly busy!  I moved back home Thursay after my last final, my mom got hooded at her master’s program on Friday night, I had a doctor’s appointment Friday morning, had to cook and set up for the party that we had on Friday night after the hooding because my 2 aunts graduated from the same master’s program as my mom, Saturday morning was another graduation(or my mom and 2 aunts where they actually received their diplomas) followed by another party and another cousin’s graduation, which I did not attend becaue of cooking needing to be done so that people could re eat. 

About 500 dollars worth of food was completely gone in 2 days….nothing left.  I didn’t even get a hamburger, because I am pregnant, and was exhausted after a week of non-stop work. 

Anyways, on to Habibi….Habibi may soon have a name because I go on the 24th to find out what I am having!  EEK!  I am so exicted.  I have a feeling that it is a girl!  We will see though!  I have names picked out, but I will only reveal them when I know what Habibi is!  That is it…..I need to clean up so that I can rearrange my room.

Oh and one more thing, one of my bestest friends named Quita just found out 3 weeks ago that she is pregnant, but the kicker is when she is due!  She is due on June 28th!  It was a shock we had been telling her that she looked pregnant, but she said she had been taking test and they were all coming back -.  So she finally got tired of hearing everyone say that so she went to the doctors and sure enough she is pregnant with a little girl!



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