I was tagged by Krystal so I decided to do this.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas…..mine was okay but on Christmas Eve Braylon stopped breathing and I had to call 911 while my dad did CPR and he was rushed to Vanderbilt.  He was diagnosed with acid reflux.  i have been a nervous wreck every since and I just would like for you all to put Braylon in your prayers! Pictures are on the way, or for those that are firends with me on myspace just check out my profile! Thanks…

This year I actually have…

[] been single

[X] made out in a car

[] kissed in the snow

[X] kissed in the rain

[X] kissed in a bed

[X] fell in love

[X] had a stalker

[X] lost a friend ( she was actually my aunt, but a friend none the less)

[X] had a good relationship with someone

[ ] questioned my sexual orientation

[ ] came out of my closet

[] got married

[ ] had a divorce

[ ] kissed someone of the same sex

[X] met someone that I will never forget

[X] did something I regret

[ ] lost my true love

[ ] lost faith in love

[ ] kissed under mistletoe

[X ] got a promotion

[X ] got a pay raise

[X] changed jobs

[ ] lost my job

[X] quit my job

[ ] dated a co-worker

[ ] dated my boss

[ ] dated my boss’s son/ daughter

[ ] got fired from my job

[X ] GOT a job

[ ] got straight A’s

[ ] met a teacher who I became friends with

[ X] met a teacher who I really hate

[ ] found the subject I love

[ ] failed a class

[ ] cut class

[ ] skipped school

[X] did something I was proud of (I had a beautiful baby boy!!)

[X] discovered a new talent

[X] proved myself

[ ] embarrassed myself in front of the class

[ ] fell in love with a teacher

[X ] was involved in something that I will never forget

[ ] painted a picture

[X] wrote a poem

[X] listened to music I couldn’t stand

[ ] skinny dipped

[X] been in a bed with the opposite sex

[] went to a sleepover

[ ] went to camp

[ ] threw a surprise party

[X] laughed till I cried

[ ] laughed till I peed my pants

[] visited a foreign country

[X] visited another state

[] cooked a disastrous meal

[X] lost something important to me

[X] got a gift

[X] realized something new about myself

[X ] dyed my hair

[ ] came close to losing my life

[X] someone close to me died

[] went to a wild party

[X] drank alcohol

[X] got drunk

[ ] got arrested/name taken

[] read a great book

[X] saw a great movie

[ ] saw a movie so scary that it made me cry

[] saw a band live or concert

[X] did something that I wanted to tell everyone 
[X] experienced something new (BEING A MOMMY!!!)

[X] made new friends 

[X] found out who your real friends are

[ ] lied to your parents

[ ] snuck out

[ ] got in trouble with police

[X] went to a party 

[X] had the time of your life

[X] danced (I dance with my son!)

[ ] had a crush on someone

[ ] changed your sexual preference

[] swam in a pool

[ ] made a snowman

[ ] went snowboarding

[ ] went sledding

[ ] slept in past 2pm

[] got wasted in a public place 

[] told someone you like them as more than a friend

[X] gone on vacation

[ X] gone on vacation with a friend

[X] driven a car

[ ] played strip poker

[ ] danced in the rain

[ ] got in a car accident

[X] seen someone get in a car accident

[ ] got in a fist fight

[X] laughed until you couldn’t breathe

[X] had an amazing year (I BECAME A MOM, WHAT COULD BE BETTER)
[X] missed someone
[ ] got hit by car

[X ] went to the hospital

[ ] got a new pet

[X] enjoyed this year overall

~ 2007 Questions ~

1. Will you be looking for a new job?:
Nope I am completly happy where I am now, plus I can do my homework while at work! OH YEA!!.

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?:
Nope, I want my son to be raised by both parents, and our love for each other seems to grow everyday

3. New house?:
Nope, staying at my parent’s rent free until i am out of undergrad seems to be a good idea

4. What will you do different in 07?:
Try to get my stomach back flat and make myself and my son happy before anyone else.  Not listen and care about what people have to say about the things I do with my life because it is just that….MY LIFE!!

5. New Years resolution?:
Appreciate the small things, and realize that nothing is promised.

6. What will you not be doing in 07?:
Living for others….the only ones I am here to please is myself and my son

7. Any trips planned?:
Yes Braylon’s first vacation sometime in May, destination unknown

8. Wedding plans?:

9. What’s on your calendar?:
1st Birthday

10. What can’t you wait for?:
To go back to school…yeah i know such a nerd!!

11. What would you like to see happen different?:

12. What about yourself will you be changing?:
Confidence…higher self esteem…not being so damn shy and when things piss me off keep my cool!( I have to keep Krystal’s answer)

13. What happened in 06 that you didn’t think would ever happen?
I became pregnant with my first child a beautiful baby boy at the age of 20, lost my scholarship at University of Memphis because I decided to move back home, had my baby boy and I could not be happier!

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?:
Only if they are nice to me….I refuse to be out there with my neck stuck out only to have it cut off

15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 06?:
I will.  I was in maternity shirts starting in April of 06

16. Will you start or quit drinking?:
I have already started back drinking, not to the point where i am drunk

17. Will you better your relationship with your family?:
I will try, but I have a low tolerance for ignorance

18. Will you do charity work?:

19. Will you go to bars?:
Not so much bars, but clubs yeah,but not often

20. Will you be nice

to people you don’t know?:
I’ll try

21. Do you expect 07 to be a good year for you?:
I hope

22. How much did you change from this time last year until now?
I went from not pregnant, to pregnant, back to not pregnant

23. Do you plan on having a child?:
Already got one, Iwant to finish school before I try for another

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?:
Yes, i have found my true friends

25. Major lifestyle changes?
Being a working, in school mama

26. Will you be moving?

27. What will you make sure doesn’t happen in 07 that happened in 06?:
I will not let others determine my happiness!!

28. What are your New Years Eve plans?:
CHURCH and thats it as of right now!  lol

29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?:
Braylon and maybe his dad

30. Wish for 2007?:
That my son gets over his acid reflux and remains otherwise healthy

I tag:  Kristen, Alicia, and anyone else who hasn’t done this

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