so jealous
"I get so jealous that I can’t even work
there I am in the morning
I don’t like what I see…"
-Tegan & Sara, So Jealous
I’m jealous of a new guy at work. He is thinner and better-looking and dresses better than I do and all the female customers and coworkers like him. Before he came along, they liked me. And it really gets to me when he talks to work girlfriend or she tells me he’s cute and she likes talking to him. It’s like a hot poker going into my chest. Seriously. My chest floods with heat and I start to sweat.
It would be one thing if he was nice to me. I’d still be jealous but I’d try to overcome it. But he’s not. He’s standoffish and when I try to make conversation with him, he gives me clipped, one-word answers. And I don’t understand it because although I burn with shame and envy when I see him, I don’t show it. I wave and am polite and try to engage in friendly chitchat but he won’t have it.
He reminds me of my first roommate at SCAD, the one who made my life hell. They have the same build, clothing style and penchant for facial hair. And apparently they have the same attitude. And they’re both in bands. So stereotypical it’s funny.
Like I said, I could get past all of that if he was nice but he’s not so it makes it hard for me when he’s in the same building I am.
I hate that I’m so insecure that someone else can stir up so much frustration inside me. I look over and see work girlfriend talking to him and I see her laughing and I die more inside because she likes talking to him and I wonder if she likes talking to him more than she likes talking to me. I wonder if she’d ever choose him over me. If her wedding doesn’t go through (which I’m starting to doubt from our recent conversations), would she try to have a relationship with him? If she did, I honestly think I’d fall apart.
I don’t even think I want her. Maybe I do. But I want to be wanted even more. Because I’m insecure, remember. I need that validation and I hate myself for it.
I try. I honestly try. When I’m home and away from work, I try to give myself credit. I can’t help how I look. I can’t help that I’m losing my hair and have a round stomach and my face is shaped the way it is. I’m working on it all. I’m trying to better my looks. I do the best I can with the mess I am. And isn’t that all anyone can ask for? And there are days when I feel decent about myself because I know I’m not hot but I’m not ugly. I can clean up well. And I try to hold onto that, to squeeze it until I believe it. And sometimes I get close.
And then I see them talking again and it all goes away.
It’s funny how you can feel one way about someone when you’re thinking of them and a completely different way when you’re actually in their presence. When I’m away from work, I feel I’m in a more logical space. I can step back and realize I’m being irrational and I don’t even have to work with the guy. I just pass him on the way out the door so he shouldn’t affect me at all. He has his side of the store and I have mine.
And I don’t own work girlfriend. She can talk to whoever she wants. If anyone has any right to get jealous, it’s her fiance. And just because she can enjoy a conversation with him, it doesn’t mean she would choose him over me.
And that’s all fine and good when I’m away from the situation but when I get back to work, all that rationality is sucked away and all that’s left is an insecure mess with a shiny forehead staring at two attractive people conversing and connecting. And I’m crumbling.
I try. I really do. But it’s hard because I don’t like what I see.
Sometimes I feel like the workplace is like high school all over again. Maybe that’s why working causes me so much anxiety. I hated high school. :-/
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Jealousy is a mother fucker!! It’s amazing how the simplest of things can totally fuck up our mindset in a milisecond. heart ya kid
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I cockblocked a customer at work yesterday when he tried to work with a female coworker. She didn’t know what she was doing so I came in and helped. He looked so pissed that I’d separate him from the girl. And he was in several bands. And he was a dick. So I feel you. Working with him would have been a painful occurence.
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Honey, I wish you would realize that you are, indeed, physically attractive. Not to mention that your inner beauty and intellect is very evident (to me), which makes you that much MORE attractive. I know these words won’t take away your insecurities, but hell. Gotta give it a shot, because I genuinely think that YOU are a catch! My thought is that new guy might be standoffish because he knows he can’t “win you over” with his good looks and charm. You have a history and connection with your coworkers. MAYBE he feels somewhat insecure around you? I can practically see your eyes rolling Brannon, haha, but you never know. I get the sense that work girlfriend might be trying to get under your skin. Have you pulled away from the friendship with her since her engagement? Anyhow. I’ll stop analyzing, and yelling, “GO TEAM!” now.
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Oh and real quick, I DO understand the feelings of rage and jealousy. It’s pretty much the worst feeling ever. Makes us realize how flawed we can be as humans, and it can be damn irritating. For the first time IN MY LIFE, I got somewhat jealous about Brad going on about an attractive actress recently. HAH! So totally not the same thing as your situation (obviously), but ooohhhh… I gotthis feeling in my chest that made me realize the green-eyed monster was revealing its ugly head. Anyhow. Really, actually, shutting up now.
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People can like more than one person at once. Just because, by your estimation (which I’d call an unreliable narrator), he’s better looking than you, doesn’t mean that you’re not cute.
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$20 says he’s gay.
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I can totally relate to a dispassionate evaluation of a situation disappearing once you enter that situation. Anyway, there’s no reason to get upset at someone who might be more attractive than you but is a dick. It’s best not to let them get to you. Although that’s probably similar to your “logical space.”
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RYN: Thanks for that lengthy note. I guess I agree that a face-to-face conversation can reveal things that simple words can’t. I read somewhere that more than 50% of communication is nonverbal. But it’s also true that one can screw up in a “live” conversation, which doesn’t have a backspace key.
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I’ve noticed that the majority of people that are in bands, guys or girls, can be Class-A dicks.The only exception I ever met was The Fuck Buddy. Maybe that’s why I kept him around as long as I did.
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Also, I love it when you quote Tegan & Sara. I’m going to sleep to their beautiful voices now.
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“It’s funny how you can feel one way about someone when you’re thinking of them and a completely different way when you’re actually in their presence.” that is so freakin’ true, wow. xx,
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it always surprises me that you feel this way because in your pictures you look like you’d be a confident guy because your really good looking, but you just don’t seem to see it yourself.
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Whaaa? You’re foxy. And full of brain meat. Bonus! Insecurity is a beast. All snivels and claws.
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