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January 14, 2013

I guess it all depends on if their crap is something you are able to accept. Everyone’s a contradiction.

January 14, 2013

Probably depends on how important that person is to you, and how much you want them to live up to your idealized image.

You don’t. I had a friend, yadda yadda, and basically I can’t talk to him anymore. 😛

January 14, 2013

If you find a way, let me know, kay?

January 14, 2013

Boundaries allow me to easily reconcile. Example: No, I will never show you where I live. Yes, I’ll drink with you once in a while, but I’m putting a “twice a month” cap on it. And, finally, the easiest two phrases for me to say: “Bullshit. Shut your dick.”

January 14, 2013

R) STEP TWO! KNOW YOURSELF. That way you can have boundaries and also get in close. How did I figure out relationships? Lots of screwing around, acting class, and comparing everyone to my mother/father/siblings. Also a little Chaos Theory. A little self-hate. A little loneliness. I have boundaries right away, but that doesn’t mean I shut them off. Psh. You have my trust until you break it.

Yes and I’m not sure!

January 15, 2013

sometimes i think i am one of those people. than i remember i’m not really brilliant and generally pretty honest, just exuberant and strange. xx,

January 15, 2013

Um. Punch them in the face.