cacao kapow!
Valentine’s Day hit me like Chris Brown in a Bronco. I’m not talking about just being alone (although that did have a lot to do with it). I’m talking about the enormous amount of crap I ate.
I won an entire plastic container full of Hershey Kisses from work and then the store gave everyone a box of chocolates and my mom bought two boxes of chocolate for me. After consuming that much sugar and chocolate and lard and fat and lard and sugar and chocolate and fat and lard and more lard and the occasional coconut cluster that slipped past my security measures (yuck), I felt like total garbage.
It’s kind of amazing how you don’t realize how bad you stopped feeling until you start feeling bad again.
I always thought I was impervious to sugar, caffeine, Aspartame, vitamins and minerals, love, legally obtained prescription drugs, etc., because I can have that stuff and it doesn’t make me more energetic or foggy or good or bad. I’ve always walked around generally feeling like crap. So, when I started exercising and eating less greasy, fast food-type items, I didn’t feel more energetic or "alive" or better physically or even mentally.
All it took was a near month-long binge of boxed chocolates to make me realize I didn’t feel as bad as I believed. And you might say a month-long binge of chocolates will make anyone feel that way, no matter what condition they started in. Even the most lethargic sloth would come away from three boxes of cocoa-coated caramels feeling worse. But that chocolate wasted feeling was how I used to feel all the time before I started dieting and exercising.
I felt bad that I indulged so heavily. I write these entries about doing well. I write about moderation and it’s okay to cheat every once in a while and you just get up and do better the next time around. And then I binge. And it happens to everyone but I still feel like I should be a better example. I’ve battled food and my weight and my addiction to food for years and you’d think I’d develop some sort of resistance to the constant cravings. But, no. In a lot of ways, I’m no better now than when I was seventeen and bingeing on Doritos and Diet Coke.
I also feel like I’m not as in touch with my body as I should be. I don’t know what’s going on inside. I can’t detect the changes in my mood or my middle. There’s a giant disconnection there and I don’t know how to harmonize my senses and awareness.
If anything, I guess this overindulgence was a good lesson. There might be something to this diet and exercise after all, folks! Maybe it does make a difference, even if the differences are subtle and fluid and not easily recognized by those who aren’t in touch with themselves.
You’re so right! We should all be more in tune with our body! We’d get more done, lok better and be happier. Yeah, I believe junk in- junk out, in terms of productivity.
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You should just SEE the loot that teachers are inundated with on that day!!
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Cacao kapow! Is pretty genius for this:) spoken as someone who spends her hours begging her students to get rid of some of their “very’s” and “said’s.”
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I completely understand how you feel. I did so great with eating until about a week ago, and ALREADY I don’t feel as well as I did. Back on track, for both of us! Seriously though, try not to be too hard on yourself. You are aware that you need to make a couple of changes, and I think that is what is most important.
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Hey, shit happens. Get back on the wagon. I’ve strayed so far from my weight watcher days. I’m getting back on the wagon now (25 lbs later), but I know HOW to do it, i just have to do it. Maybe it will drag me out of this depression/funk I am in. RYN: Thanks
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Don’t feel too bad. I always think the depression over a binge makes you feel worse than the actual binge itself.
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it’s a pretty efficient trap… a holiday built around indulgence and chocolate a month and a half after most people have resolved to work out and lose weight. and then girl scout cookie time…. it’s a trap.
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I gained two pounds. I was near tears. I kept eating like a dumbass, though. Even after that. Sometimes it’s hard to get back on the bandwagon. But, the point is not giving up right?
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I’ll help… I’ll take all the coconut clusters. YUM! (I don’t get how people hate coconut, it’s so YUM!)
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Did you see the episode of Portlandia wherein the safe word was cacao? What I thought of when I saw your title. I’m doing a round of B-12 injections while I “detox” from a month of terrible eating, too. Ah, good ol’ maple syrup lemon juice water fad with the result of making me feel clean.
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Come to the gym with me! It’ll be fun 🙂
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RYN: We live in such a world that we are the cool people. Oh shit 😉
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