A Wasted Weekend
Well, I didn’t set a very good precedent for the rest of this quarter. Instead of doing homework, I totally did nothing. I managed to do some of my 3D animation homework earlier today but I spent a whopping one hour on it. Usually animating takes several days, to give you a sense of how much effort I did not put into the project. There are many reasons for that. Firstly, the professor didn’t explain the project very well and secondly, it was just a checkpoint assignment. He’s going to check to see if we did it, not if it looks good. Um, I did it and it doesn’t look good but that’s okay. I just wasn’t feeling it. As far as my senior project, definitely crapped out on that. My professor gave me a critique of it during the last class and I suspect he won’t be coming around to me any time soon since he has so many other kids to see. This gives me ample opportunity to gather up some stuff to show him before he sees me again. And for my writing class, I’m supposed to be reading a book but I’ve been reading Twilight instead. Oops. The thing is a girl I know here at school is a Twilight freak and I told her I wanted to go see the movie with her but I wanted to read the book first. I told her as soon as I was done we’d hit up the theaters. Now I feel pressured to finish the book quickly so we can see it ‘cause it might not be in theaters much longer. I’d feel bad if we missed out on seeing it ‘cause it took me too long to read it. I started out slowly at first, reading a chapter or two at night, but over the past few days I’ve really been getting into it and I’ve probably read more of it today than I have in the past few days combined.
I feel bad ‘cause I didn’t do a whole lot of homework. I sat around and watched television and drove around the city and read. I didn’t even write very much, which kind of upsets me. I’m just not inspired at the moment, which is why I’ve been writing crap entries lately. I’m still writing daily, which is a good thing, it’s just not quality writing like I’d like. At least I’m getting something written down. Besides, it’s not like I had any pressing assignments. This was just the first week and doing homework would help me get ahead but I’m not necessarily behind just ‘cause I didn’t do much. The animation assignment isn’t due until Tuesday and I think I have to write a paper on the book I’m supposed to be reading and that’s due in two weeks and my senior project doesn’t have to be finished until March so I’m pretty good to go.
I don’t really like reading more than one book at a time because the characters and situations tend to get jumbled in my head and I get confused. At the same time, I don’t think I can hold off on this book too much longer. I’m guessing I only have two weeks to read the entire thing and do a paper on it. So, I’d probably better get cracking. My writing class is tomorrow at five and I don’t have anything to do up until then so I’ll probably crack it open and try to put a dent in it. It’s called I Was Told There’d be Cake by Sloane Crossley and it sounds pretty interesting. Plus, it’s not a big book so those are helpful qualities that will hopefully make the reading go down easily. From my impression of the book, she sounds like a female Sedaris. I like Sedaris so that’s a plus. Of course, I could be more than wrong since I haven’t read the thing yet and I’m only going on the synopsis on the back.
So, yeah, Edward Cullen is one cool cat, eh? I wish I could be just like him: young and handsome and smooth…
and dead.