Bubble No. 34: *whimper!*

     *crawls in, whimpering* Dear Thoth, this end-of-semester stuff is just…gack!

     Nah, actually I’m doing rather well with it, but just a fair warning that entries will be few and far between for the next fortnight or so. What with writing papers, taking exams, taping ASL video projects, cleaning house, buying cap and gown (*pause* WOOT!!!!!) and getting stuff ready for my graduation…I’m a little tapped on the creative side.

…yeah, I know. LIAR! *chuckles* Actually, my creative side is getting a hell of a workout with Brandenburg sessions, (*cuddles my darling Sammi*), playing in a Changeling: the Dreaming game and trying to keep up with the Werewolf game I’ve sadly neglected…*hides head* as well as jotting bits and pieces here and there. No, I’ve just got far more than I can do at once!

     And I’m revamping, (pardon the pun), the Brandenburg pages. I’m sort of cleaning everything up, rearranging and making things more user/reader friendly. (Mainly for poor Sammi’s benefit…I can just imagine what wading through all those pages it like!) So…yup. Lots of shifts, adjustments and me being an insanely bouncy Tigger. (You’re right, Snarkle-Mom; the name does fit. ^_~)

     So…yeah. Shifting, adjusting and whimpering. I promise, I’ll fling much more useless fiction pieces your way!

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May 1, 2006

Good luck, try to stay sane 🙂

May 2, 2006

RYN: Thanks.. *Whimpper*Groan*turnscircleandlaysdown* always makes me feel better.. =)

May 5, 2006

ryn: Meow kitty! 🙂