Why do you think…?

Why do you think that you have the right to dictate my way of life, the right to inform me of what I may and may not do for as long as you please? Why do you think that i’ll sit here quietly and take in everything you say, that I won’t arise and rebel against the chain you’ve locked around my freedom?  Why do you think that i’m incapable of being my own person, that if I try to break free you’ll have to run around gathering up the scattered pieces of my life? Why do think that i’m not aware of your actions, that I don’t know how you manipulate my surroundings? Why do you think that i’m a nothing, that i’m unable to be who i want to be and when? Why do you think that you are my maker and therefore my molder, that you can decide how I should turn out and who I should become? Why do you think you are the way you are, and When do you think i’ll be the way I should be? Not the way you want me to turn out, but the person i’m able to become without your assistance or persuasion? When do you think i’ll ever have the chance to become what I want, to become what I need to become, to beome the person stirring inside, to become me…?

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