Where do I even begin…?

I’m back…and with a vengence…hehehe…I’ve been checking this goddamned site every day to see when my diary would be back online…all I have to say is that whoever was so bored that they tried to ruin this site is a sad and pathetic human being…and I pity the fool…

Anyways, whats new in my life since I last wrote approximately a month ago? My laptop’s cdrw/dvd drive died and had to be replaced(at no cost-with a full warranty) , I bought a very nice laptop backpack, I planned a weekend trip to Eilat, I bought two new pirs of shoes, I got really really sick of being treated like a replaceable and unimportant worker and decided that i’m leaving the second I find something else and i’m looking very hard…other than that, there’s nothing else new…let me know you remember who I am!!!

Signing out is your very together diarist, no longer discombobulated or messed down…Brainiac!!!

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July 11, 2004

yay, brainiac! glad you’re back. did you already take the trip to eilat? how was it?? that was one place i never got to go. love abby/