Well,see…there’s this guy…

Isn’t that always how all the interesting stories start? Well, you see, there really IS this guy…a friend of mine…we’ve become pretty good friends lately…and I wouldn’t call it a crush…but i’ve developed a “want”…lol, i’ll explain that to you…I want to try and date and see how it turns out…I think we could suit each other…especially since we started out as friends…but i’m pretty sure hes not thinking anywhere in that direction…i’m almost 101% sure…which to tell you the truth, somewhat depressing…cuz guys I want never look twice at me and the only ones that do look at me are creeps that make my skin crawl…where am I going wrong?!?! How can I help not looking like a fashion model? Its not my fault…but unfortunately, no one seems to care…(no male people for the most part…)

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