Unanswered questions…unattainable peace…

How can the world stand by quietly while I have to be afraid to leave my own house? How can the world stand to see innocent bystanders slaughtered as a muslim’s protest against life? Why do I have to sit here at work typing this with hands that won’t stop shaking while my mother is on her way to a funeral? My second cousin was supposed to be getting married tonight and instead he’s mourning his deceased fiancee and her father… How can the world let terror reign while innocence and purity are destroyed? How can I keep living a life where every step I take, i’m scared to and every move I make is at the risk of my life? Ever since all the bombings and attacks started a couple years ago i’ve been telling everyone, “I know you’re scared but we can’t stop living or else they’ve achieved their goal. We have to celebrate life in order to defeat them. Don’t give up on life.” I would tell people that they shouldn’t stop going out and having a good time because thats just as if the arabs killed us, as if they succeeded…but what do I do now that it’s hit close by? What do I tell people now that I, myself, am scared to set foot on a bus? Now that I can’t even fathom going out for fear that it will be my last time? What do I tell all those people that came to me for reassurance now that i’m in need of it myself? I have nothing to tell them because nothing can help…we’re all in the same boat…and unless someting changes fast, this boat will just keep sinking…

So when they come to me with questions I won’t have any answers…will you?

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