Too **** for my own good…

I don’t know exactly what to fill in in place of the stars since i’ve always been told something else…sometimes i’m too smart for my own good, sometimes i’m too mature for my own good and sometimes i’m just too me for my own good…now what exactly does that mean? Well, to understand that i’d guess that you really have to know me…and unfortunately noones knows me that well so I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it…lol, just joking…:0)

I guess it actually means that sometimes as wonderful as I may think certain aspects of my personality are, they tend to pose a threat to other people and cause them to back away from me therefore not being good for me…did that make any sense to you? Its like being really smart and having people resent you and become jealous of you because of it, or being overly mature and having the people around you that are your age think you’re looking down your nose at them and regarding them as babyish…its like being all of that and none of that at once and not knowing how to act around normal people of normal ages…which eventually means that you become a sort of chameleon…your opinions stay the same but the way you express them and put them into practice change according to who you are with and who you are trying to be…and the only person you will ever really be yourself with is someone who mill mean the whole world to you, someone who will make you feel like you’re the only person in the world to them, that one person that holds the key to your soul, someone who will just be your everyone…and if you’re ever lucky enough to find them your life will be made…and if not, then I guess you’ll just continue living your life as a chameleon, putting up a different facade for every different atmosphere and environment you encounter…being someone you’re not for the sole reason that noone understand the real person you are…you’ll continue living an unintentionally fatal lie…just like me…

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