This is reallly starting to piss me off…

Lets see, I have a few things that are pissing me off and I guess i’ll state them in order of their occurances:

1. My upcoming math test…no matter how much I wanna study for this fucking test I can’t make myself do it…and I really really want to…and its eating me up inside…I hafta prove myself!!! I hafta show him he was wrong…but how?

2.I wake up to find my cellphone has been shut off…and why? Becuz my mother is a lying idiot who said she paid the bill when i saw the warning she got in the mail when in fact, she didn’t!!! It wouldnt be so bad cuz I know she doesnt have money if she hadn lied…but why did she have to lie, damnit?!

3.I’m walking to computer class with Od and all of a sudden she tells me that she and Cher set a date and planned a guest list for Rhonda’s party…I mean, hello? What the fuck about me? I’m her best friend…why don’t you just plan the whole damn thing without me? I’m not important-right? And on top of that I was trying to share my song with Od and I dunno what was up with her but she blew me off kind of obnoxiously saying she doesnt have the strength to get into it…

4.Last but not least, I now have to think of what the hell we’re gonna buy my mom for her 45th bday when right now I dont give a damn…i’m so pissed off at her lying to me that i dont even wanna think about it…

I dunno, maybe i’m just an unforgiving bitch but then again, maybe I haven’t had it so easy…well, whatever…noone ever said life is fair…yours truly, unfortunately still stuck here on planet earth(if thats what u could call it…), your discombobulated plastic diarist, brainiac…

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