Stuck between a swamp and a mushy place…

Well, i’m not really sick anymore…unless you count my being sick at heart…I get to go back to work tomorrow(yes, I work on sundays…the only goddamn country that does and I happen to live in it…) after missing wednesday and thursday…fun fun fun for me…get to go back to the highlight of my week-the hall of names…if theres anything I can’t stand its that depressing place called the biggest Jewish cemetery on earth…hmmm,I wonder why I don’t enjoy sitting there for 5 hours straight with no fucking break to even go to the bathroom…did you guys ever notice how much I complain here?!?! Of course you do…I just figure that if I complain even half as much in real life then I won’t get anywhere so I take advantage of this wonderful diary to get it out of my system-thanx for dealing with it :0)…I used to write profound crap in here but lately i’ve been somewhat depressed and haven’t really wanted to, oh well…maybe i’ll start again…who knows, who cares…? I guess i’ll go watch a movie now with my mom since shes bugging me about it…hope all your weekends were better than mine…

C’iao bambinos…remember-stay gold, cuz being silver just ain’t worth it…signing out is your messed down and discombobulated diarist, Brainiac…

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