Starting my ride…

Here’s pain, pushing me forward…there’s definitely enough of it to give me a great head start before the agony starts to kick in…My mom has been begging me lately to forgive my dad, to give him another chance…she did so I should too…how can I explain to my mother that what hurt me the most and what totally erased him from my heart was not the way he hurts me, but the way he hurt my mother?! I tried to explain it, I basically said what I just wrote and all she could say was- I forgave him, I got past it, you should too…

I hate him!!! I hate that motherfucking asshole so damn much, you can’t even fathom!!! I wish my mother would kick him out…he’s destroyed every older member of this family and he’s slowly destroying the younger ones too…pretty soon they’ll feel like i’ve been feeling and like my older sisters felt and there won’t be anything we can do about it because as long as he’s here no one is emotionally, or even physically safe…

Damn him, damn him to hell!

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