Smiley faces and gold anklets…

I’m so excited, my sister finally came back from the states…they said their flight was a nightmare but they’re just so happy to be home…I went to sleep last night around 3:00am and then woke up at 4:25am to get ready to go to my first shift as a “Civil Gaurd”…we stood at a junction in these neon yellow vests and checked each car as they drove by for arab drivers or suspicious behavior…as we were standing there a car drives up and a couple of guys in their early 20s get out hysterical and start yelling at the police to call an ambulance…it turns out 2 of their friends were stabbed in the chest by an arab that crashed their independence day party and got away…the 2 guys are in critical condition and needless to say, it was an interesting moring…at 9:00am after finishing my shift I went home and took a short nap….then we went to a crappy cousins bbq where almost noone enjoyed themselves and it just sucked…we then drove my grandmother home and continued on to visit my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew who I hadn’t seen in a month and a half…it was so exciting, I missed them so much! They got so much cuter and bigger since the last time I saw them, its unbelievable…and besides getting to see them, I got presents from my sister and brother in law-they’re so sweet! They bought me a gold anklet and a new panel for my phone with a special new battery that has lights on the back of it…the panel is see through with a smiley face on the back and the lights are in the same shape as the smiley face so when my phone rings or I get a message, the lights flash in different colors-its way kewl! I also got a wallet size studio picture of my niece and nephew in fancy clothes…OMG, you have never seen anything so adorable…they are the absolute cutest babies on earth…anyways, I have to be up early tomorrow for 2 major tests so i’m gonna say goodnight to you all…

Just remember-Our nation lives on…and there ain’t nothing you can do about it suckers!

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