Rum and coke…costumes galore…

Yesterday was what we Jewish people call, Purim. Its a holiday where people get dressed up in costumes, have a big family meal and tend to get drunk…theres a whole story and explanation behind the getting drunk part but I would rather not get into it…both my married sisters were by us, as were my cousin and my grandmother, so we had a pretty full house…I don’t like spending holidays in my house because my family never made them into anything special…they always just felt like an extra burden…more work, more trouble…and not worth anything special…

My little sister was born on Purim so we celebrated her birthday…of course she got piles of presents since thats always the way it works…what depressed me the most was not the fact that she got so many presents and I got none…but the fact that my older sister didn’t even call me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday or even say it when she came to my house yesterday but then preceeded to make a humongous deal of my little sister’s birthday and showing off the two fucking books that she bought her as a present…I don’t need presents, I don’t need to be bought or bribed…I just want a little acknowledgement from my own damn sister…is that too much to ask?!?! I guess so…

Anyways, at around 8:30pm, my mother and I invited our neighbor over for some rum and coke since we have some good rum(baccardi gold…mmm…) and we sat and shmoozed for almost 4 hours with her and her friend(both married adult women)…it always seemed so wierd to me that I got along better with my mother’s friends than with their children that were my age…its kinda strange but whatever…and I might go out to this jazz club/bar with the neighbor on tuesday night…could be really interesting…I really enjoy sitting and talking with her and we think the same way about alot of things…shes really nice and the fact that shes 39 doesnt even make a bit of a difference…

I’m sitting here now at the desk in YadVashem by myself (besides my boss) since everyone else has vacation and just waiting for this day to end so I can go out with my friends…I guess i’ll check back in later…c’iao bambinos…Stay gold and all that jazz…

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