Real friends or fake friends…?

After reading an entry in a certain utensil’s diary I decided to sit down and think about my circle of friends and how big it really is…I don’t actually know who my real friends are and which ones will drop me the second things get bad…I know for sure that I have Gil, I mean we’ve ben friends since first grade and I just saw her for the first time in 6 years and things are just like they used to be…we’re as close as we always were I think, if not closer…then there’s rhonda…with her I think I can be more me than with almost anyone else…Yael is a great friend…shes been there for me since the first day I met her even when noone else was, but we don’t really have anything in common anymore except the fact of our being friends…then there’s Casper…I dunno bout me and Casper…we’re just, I dunno even…but its kewl :0)


Then there’s the outer circle of friends which haven’t been faced with a situation yet in which they’d have to make a decision on whether to stick it out or to say goodbye…theres alot more of those…I dunno which people belong in which circle and which ones are still stuck at the triangle and square…who can help me? How do I figure it out…?

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