Pain and panic reporting for duty, sir…

I was thinking of pain and it just made me think of those two creatures from Hercules, Pain and Panic…and I just remembered their voices and laughed out loud…Oh, me thinks me is very very pathetic…Whatever…anyways, why was I thinking of pain? I was leaving a note in someone’s diary(you know who you are) about pain and agony and realized that what I wrote was slightly profound so I figured I might as well share it with you…

If you go to random diaries on this site or look at random famous poetry, you’ll notice that alot of it is not upbeat and uplifting…lots of it is depressing, dark or just plain sad…My mother once asked me why I don’t write so-called “happy” poetry and it made me think…why is it that all of my poetry comes out the way it does, from my negative frame of mind? I guess its because it just wouldn’t come out right any other way…I can’t write when i’m really happy(not that I can even remember the last time that was)…I need the anger and sorrow to stimulate me…so I guess my final conclusion is this…Pain pushes us forward and agony fuels the ride…

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