Out of shape…

I used to be in such good shape…I went to karate a few times a week and I was the youngest female brown belt ever in the style I was learning(I got my brown belt at 11.5)and I was just as good as any of the adult brown belts…it came naturally to me…then we moved(6 years ago) and there was nowhere nearby for me to learn the same style so I stopped…now we moved again and there’s a class right near my house so I went for the first time tonight…i’m so damn out of shape but I had the best time i’ve had in a long time…its so exhillarating and it’s something I really excel at…it just makes me feel good knowing I have the amount of discipline and control needed to accomplish as much as i’ve accomplished…it makes me feel as if theres some area in my life that I control, where I call the shots…so now i’m going to go twice a week regularly to classes and maybe even three or four times…who knows? As long as i’m in charge of my body and my talent…I can do anything…:0)

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