Oredbay…for all of you fluent in pig latin…

And for those of you not fluentin pig latin… BORED…yep, thats me…as usual…

Since i’m so bored and have nothing else to do, lets tally up all of my summer activities…went bowling twice, saw movies at friend’s house 6 or 7 times, “partied” at friend’s house with no parents 3 times, went out to eat 5 or 6 times, went to the boardwalk twice, went to street fair/concert thingy last night, saw 2 movies in the theatres: Minority report and Dr.Sleep, going to see Men in Black 2 tonight, watched triplets from hell for approximately 30 hours a week for 7 weeks…basically, killed myself…but got a great tan doing it…I start school tomorrow…and get this, i’m a fucking SENIOR!!! Can you believe it? This year is gonna be the best…Seniors rule the school……..!!!!!

Btw- did you people know that i’m a total shoe oniomaniac??? Its unbelievable…I can’t deny it…

The question is, what is a mahnamahna? No, the question is, who cares…?

To be or not to be, is that A question or the only question…?

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”, said by a great spirit in our very own human race, who incidentally also happened to be jewish…ALBERT EINSTEIN!!! Who incidentally also failed math…so why is my mother getting on my case???

The ramblings of a 16.5 yr old brainiac going into 12th grade, also known as brainiac34 and PuRpLeJeLLoBrAiN, are not to be comprehended…are not to be understood…they are just TO BE…now, if you’ll all excuse me, i’m going to read some random diaries and probably terrorize my 12 yrd old brother a little more…cuz hes really getting on my nerves…so, without further ado, we shall now bid adieu to our most discombobulated and messed down diarist, BRAINIAC!!!

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