One small step for me…

And one giant step backwards for mankind…? Something like that? Who knows? All I know is that my lack of social life is starting to eat away at me…the lack of friends in the vicinity is making me stir crazy…I have no one to talk to anymore since they all have lives to live(as opposed to me) and can’t give me the time of day…I have a close guy friend who, unfortunately, I have some feelings for…I say unfortunately because if you were to ask me I think that i’d be one of the last people on earth he’d ever fall for so my feelings can be ignored for the time being, or forever…and i’m such a freaking crybaby!!! How do you guys not tell me to just shut the fuck up already?! Or as someone said in a movie I just watched not too long ago- “Would you like some cheese with that whine?”…The proof of what a pathetic life I have is the ammount of bullshit in this diary…and lack of anything real…God, what the hell is wrong with me? And why aren’t you here to tell me?

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