Not surprising…

My cellphone has been cut off for outgoing calls for more than a month and for incoming calls as well(my number was disconnected) for a couple weeks now…all of this is due to the fact that my mother didn’t pay the bill…she didn’t pay the bill for one simple reason-she couldn’t…now how did this come about? During my sister’s engagement, meaning the month before her wedding, she ran up a $600 phone bill at home(only her calls) and a $200 cellphone bill and with all the expenses of her wedding my mother just couldn’t afford to pay it and our phones were disconnected…now it may not seem like such a big deal to all of you out there in diary land, all of you in random countries around the world…but none of you live where I live…none of you live in a country where a parent needs to be able to keep constant tabs on his child in case something happens…and by something I mean a bomb exploding on a bus carrying kids to school, elderly people to their outings and adults to their workplace or a terrorist shooting out bullets at passersby walking innocently in the market…one of those things could possibly happen(and is very likely to) and without a phone handy no one can reach you and vice versa to make sure everythings ok…though, truthfully, thats not the only reason I feel a dire need for my phone…in this country people are used to the fact that everyone can be reached on their cellphone at any time of day…people are attached to their phones 24/7 and expect other people to be as well…now without my phone I am at a great disadvantage…whether it has to do with jobs or emergencies or anything-no one can get ahold of me…and if I get stuck-I have no way to reach anyone…basically, this situation sucks…and the worst part is, is that with my being in my year of national service and not having any source of income, theres nothing I can do about it…Fuck…I hate having to be dependant on other people…I hate not being able to dictate the way my life turns out…its just not fair…!

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