Music creator…

That is what I will be…a creator of music with the help of Cakewalk’s Msic creator 2003…my grandmother is coming to visit us from the states in a couple of weeks and told me and my brother and sisters that we could each ask her to bring one thing for us…it can’t be too heavy, it can’t be too expensive and with her taste, it can’t be anything from the clothing department…what in god’s name does that leave us to choose from?!?! After some long, hard thinking I finally figured out what i want her to get me…the computer program I mentioned above in order to finally record my songs and add instruments and effects!!! Woohoo, my own personal recording studio…now, to tell you the truth, theres only 3 more things I need before I might actually be happy…1) guitar lessons- I need to be able to play my songs by myself…2)an electric guitar-thats my dream once I know how to play guitar…3)and last but not least, a good laptop so that I can sit with headphones even on the bus(since I spend 4 hours on buses everyday) and work on putting my music together…!!!

If anyone knows where I can get a good laptop for a very very good price, advice would be gladly accepted since I am slightly poor and my parents don’t want to give me money for anything…:'(

Damn, life sux occasionally…!

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