Lengthening the short fuse…?

I’m known as a person with what you’d call a somewhat short fuse…ok,lets not kid ourselves…i’m a bitch with a major temper-i’m pretty much known for it…and i’ve been saying for a long time that i’m trying to work on it and trying to be better but something that I did last night showed me the only way to really make it better…showed me the only thing that has ever really been for real, showed me and the person on the receiving end that I care what happens and that their feelings mean something to me…it was hard to do and I felt kinda wierd after I did it but in the end I realized what a great thing it was and that I need to keep it up and work at it more. I bet you’re dying to know what in god’s name i’m talking about…its funny,to you it’ll seem like nothing but I think its a huge milestone for me…I was on the phone with yuda and he made fun of my weight…I can’t deal when guys make fun of my weight..I really can’t-it makes me feel fat and ugly and just gross…so he made fun of my weight yesterday, I got annoyed and basically hung up on him…then he sent me a message saying that he doesn’t wanna talk to me until I apologize…normally i’d tell him to go fuck himself but oddly enough, thats exactly what I didn’t do…I ended the conversation(at night) and then in the morning sent him a message saying sorry and explaining why I did it…its very unlike me…usually i’d get mad at him, fight with him and probably not talk for a while if at all…and I just let it go…man that was a strange feeling…I felt kinda loose…letting something go might be hard but its damn worth it in the long run…it sure makes life a whole lot easier…too bad it took me so long to find out

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