Its not over til the fat lady sings…

and i’ve definitely sung since its one of my most favorite things to do…so does that mean its over…? Whatever, who knows? All I know is that I had my first of 3 huge, practice math tests before the real one…and I don’t think it went so well, in fact I know it didn’t and its not that I don’t care, i’m just so relieved that its finally over that i’m not so bothered by how it was…

I fought with my mom again this weekend…this time about clothes…i’m all for modesty and not walking around looking like a slut(i.e Jlo) but wearing a shirt not buttoned up to my throat or a shirt with a tiny v at the neck that shows absolutely nothing is just fine with me and no matter what she says, I hate to break it to her, but I couldn’t give a flying fuck…I will wear what I want and when I want and truthfully, theres nothing she can do to stop me…:0D Isn’t freedom of choice grand? Then again, she holds the purse strings…doesn’t financial dependance just suck…? Damn…and I thought I finally beat her…

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