It was bound to happen yet again…

I haven’t had a fight like this with my father in a while, a couple of months even, I think. To you that may seem like a very short amount of time but to me its an eternity. To understand this you would have to know my father but being the very anonymous diary site that OpenDiary is, none of you do know him. There’s only one reason we haven’t fought in so long and that would be: ME. As long as I don’t provoke him and answer his caustic comments with my own, we’re fine. But the second I counter his obnoxious remarks with my own the altercation becomes my fault and he vents his total frustrations on me. I had decided a while ago that if I ever thought I would end up with someone like my father or turn out somewhat like him I would force myself to remain alone and childless. Each day makes me realize it even more. If you are the kind of person that cannot help but take out their emotional and physical temper on the people around you, then you are truly not fit to have anyone around you. I would rather commit myself to a life of loneliness than to confine another human being to the kind of life I was brought up in.

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October 7, 2004

=( aww thats sad, my father died about 2 1/2 months ago, he had a bad temper too, if thats what your saying.. but i’d give anything to have him back.. maybe you should look at it that way, aleast you still have your dad =)

October 7, 2004

I’m so sorry!! Hugs

October 7, 2004

=(. I have already committed to a life of lonliness. =P HEY! What part of Israel do you live in. I am very interested to know about it from the perspective of a resident.

October 9, 2004

🙁 i have a couple sisters like this. it can be v. stressful. love abby/