
It’s so funny to see how much has happened since the last time I wrote here. This diary ceased to be therapeutic a few months before I stopped writing. Maybe it was the lack of constant feedback, maybe it was the lack of interesting things going on in my life or hell, maybe i’ve just outgrown it. I don’t know. Anyways, i’m not yet ready for it to be deleted so i’m writing an entry for old time’s sake. Certain situations have escalated into something more, and certain ones have petered and died out. My life has taken more interesing turns but onto dull, lifeless roads.

Í’m not even sure where to begin…whatever. Just keeping this thing here for a little while longer. Over and out.

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you would get more feedback if you wrote more than a few sentences when you write here. It’s very hard to comment or give advice when your entries regularly range from 1 line to a small paragraph.

hey, its shira been trying to get a hold of u,and for some reason i cant. then i remembereed this place….. last resort if u happen by any chance to see this, gimme a call… u know my number…….