Interesting reaction…

People seem to be having a very interesting reaction to my comments on hope…they don’t seem to like the fact that i’m downplaying the positive affect hope can have on a person’s life…but notice, I said it was one of the best things there is-it just also happens to simultaneously be one of the worst…false hope is worse than no hope at all…

Ok, should we talk about what I did last night? I really don’t want to talk about it to tell you the truth…for one thing I doubt you guys care what I did last night and for another, i’m not exactly proud of what I did last night…I felt like doing it when I did it but when it was over and I went home I felt somewhat cheap…maybe if I had enjoyed it I would’ve felt different…who knows? But the added effect of not enjoying it and of what it was just made me feel sick that I did it…it just really wasn’t enjoyable…I guess it just depends on who you do it with…anyways, i’ve decided I don’t wanna talk about it anymore so forget it, it doesn’t matter…

Have a wonderfully jubilant hour and an extremely conducive(to whatever you need) day!!

Signing out of course is me, Brainiac…:0)

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