I have a headache in my stomach…

Owchhhhhhhhh…it hurts…my tumtum is writhing in pain…:'( Anyways, I have come to the conclusion that I have started smoking…not for real though…I won’t buy any cigarettes(for now, at least…) but when I go out to places like restaurants and bars with other people that smoke, i’ll bum a smoke from them…I somewhat enjoy it…i’m not sure why, though…and its slightly amusing because I always thought that if you were asthmatic(like yours truly, here) then smoking was deadly…but i’ve tried it and found out that its not…so here’s to my new hobby…!!!

I went to visit one of my closest friends who I haven’t seen in over a month(Rhonda) on Sunday and we went out with her friend(whom I also know) and his friend. It was enjoyable and it was just fun being with her again…then I slept over her house and on monday morning she left to go to Eilat and I met my mom to get a ride home…On the way home we stopped to shop for some clothes and I got a new skirt and three new tops-hurray for clothes!!! Now all I need to do is make a few new additions to my shoe collection…god, I love shoes…yay for shoes!!! Anyways, i’m at work now and my tummy is really bothering me so i’ll finish this entry by saying goodbye to all, and to all a good day!!

Signing out is your messed down and discombobulated diarist, SBM…Brainiac 2 U…reminding you to stay gold, people cuz being styrofoam like me just ain’t worth it…

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