How do I go on…

How do you start trusting someone again when they have done everything to make you stop believing in them…

My husband lied to me. About something very important.
He claims it wasn’t really a lie since he just didn’t tell me but admits that it was the wrong thing to do.
He says that he loves me more than anything, doesn’t want to lose me and will never do it again.

But how do I go back to trusting him? He did the one thing that I told him would hurt me more than anything in the world and I had to find out about it from someone else.

How do I go back to believing in him, and in us…?

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Very slowly. It all depends on what that something is. If that something is that he has a child with someone else, that is huge, tremendous and that is a lie. If that something is that he went bowling instead of going to church, that is big but not the same kind of lie. However, any and all lies make us lose trust in loved ones. Sometimes we never get that trust back. I know for myself, withsomeone who lied to me, on serious matters, there is always doubt. And I believe that doubt is a good thing. This is part of the protection that God puts in our spirit–the ability , the talent of doubting someone who lost your trust. We don’t hold grudges, and we don’t beat someone down with their past faults, however, we do trust very very slowly. For a serious offense, it can , rightly so, take years for someone to trust that person again. If we look at the ten commandments, lies are right in the list , right along side of killing. This is probably because when we lie to people, we kill their spirit, their trust and sometimes their love. They kill our ability to blindly trust them any further. That is just my opinion on what you wrote, this is my answer to your question.