Great expectations…

First dates are a very strange thing…you always have such high hopes for how things are going to turn out and then when they don’t turn out the way you expected them to, you wonder why…you don’t realize that maybe you didn’t give it the chance you could have, you don’t realize that you were expecting too much from the person then you had any right to…and sometimes thats not even it…sometimes you just have the bad luck of going out with someone that wasn’t even planning on giving it a chance…someone that decided they were looking for something specific and even though you weren’t it-they made up their mind to go out with you and to not tell you that you had no chance from the beginning…they felt they had every right to do what they wanted even at your expense…

The thing is, if you didn’t care-it would be one thing…but when you start caring, thats when it really gets bad…thats when you realize that once again you put your feelings on the line and at the risk of getting hurt, you gave things a chance…and in the end fell victim to the risk that you took…

Its a funny thing though…first dates are rarely ever a successful affair…someone always ends up worse off than they were before…and that someone is often me…hmmm, who else is in favor of skipping first dates and just going on to second ones…? It could be interesting, don’t you think…;0)

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