Go psych urself…

I hate when people, especially guys, try to play the psychologist…they seem to think that wanting to look like a sensitive and caring person gives them the qualifications or the right to tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing, how you should or shouldn’t act and basically who you should and shouldn’t be…its like: hello, your life isn’t perfect? hmmm…lets see what kind advice, regardless of whether its useful or not, I can give you…and don’t forget to accept it graciously or i’ll have to pretend to be hurt and insulted…

grrrr, people-be normal! I don’t always wanna talk about my fucked up situation at home or how scared I am of how my life is gonna turn out…sometimes I wanna talk so that I don’t have to think about those things…sometimes I wanna run away from them, just pretend they don’t exist…is that so hard for you to understand?Is it so hard for you to refrain from being the “psychologist” until I ask you to…?

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