Funerals and Boy Scouts…

The two things in my entry title have nothing to do with each other except for the fact that i’m sitting here thinking about my good friend’s grandfather’s funeral that i’m going to in an hour while listening to the boy scouts screaming and playing extremely loud music right outside my window…they are so damn annoying!

And now for some other news…in case you people haven’t noticed, this is the first time in 9 months that you’re able to read an entry of mine…yes, i’m back from private diary land…I have come back to join the land of the living, the land of public diaries…understandably, i’m a little nervous…for those of you who don’t know why I might be nervous please refer to the entry: Hurt like never before written on 7/16/2002…it’ll explain everything! and for those of you who know exactly what i’m talking about-i’ve decided to take the chance and come back…i’ve decided that the pros of FOD far outweigh the cons and that the therapeutic feeling that writing and getting feedback here gives me is definately worth the risk of having Miss Bitch strike again…so now, without further ado…I give you the one,the only,the diarist you’ve all missed,the diarist you’ve all been waiting for,formerly known as Brainiac,our very own messed down and discombobulated…Miss Brainiac 2 U…

The only thing I have to say now is: Stay gold, people…cuz even being silver just aint worth it…

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