For the US it’s ok but for Israel it’s not…

Thats what it sounds like Bush and the whole US is saying to us here in Israel…basically becase that IS what they’re saying…When we are threatened by terrorists who want to kill the innocents of our country its because we are opressing them, killing them, locking them in ghettos(though no one seems to notice that that only takes place in defence after they blow up our families…) but when the US is threatened by terrorists, all of a sudden terrorists are bloodthirsty, evil villians who will stop at nothing to win their non existant battle with the world…who don’t care who they kill, when or how and just need to be stopped at all costs…does anyone but me notice the difference? Why is it that the US can kill people that try to kill them but us, here in Israel can’t…? Why is it that we are the only country in the world that is not permitted to justify the defence of our families, nation and country…?

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