Fact or fiction…?

Ok guys, I know I haven’t written in a few days but I had a problem getting onto the site and then I just didn’t have what to write…now I do…! I need your opinion on whether or not a specific “going on” in my life is a little freaky, just plain normal or kind of strange…i’ll explain…there’s this guy that works in the same place as me(though nowhere near me and not having anything to do with me) who’s in his late 20s or early 30s, married and his wife just gave birth to twins…I wouldn’t even know him if I hadn’t found out that he lives on my street and tried to get a ride with him to work…he’s always flirting with me and lately he just finds excuses to talk to me…he just sold me a cellphone he got as a present(that he didn’t want) for a cheaper price then usual and he’s been coming over to eat lunch with me…so tell me people, what is up with that?

And some other news…I got a new cellphone!!! The Nokia 3300…which just happens to be an MP3 player and the perfect phone for me(Ms. Music…)…so, Hooray!!!

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