Disappointed…yet relieved…

I’ve been studying like a madwoman for the past few weeks for about a million tests I had one after the other…I just had my math test today and even though it basically sucked-i’m so unbelievably happy that its finally over…!!! The only test I have left(for now) is this coming monday…its the equivalent of the SATs and ironically, its the only one i’m not nervous about…the only one i’m totally relaxed about…I feel that i’m going to do well and will not have any problem with it…Its kinda funny though cuz this test is basically going to decide my future yet I can’t seem to get myself worked up over it…I can’t even get enthusiastic…its just there, and i’m here, and thats it…end of story.

This was yet another entry, brought to you by your dear sponsor, Miss Brainiac 2 U…

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