City of Gold…

This is not exactly(or at all) my type of music, but this one song just hits a cord in my heart…Blue Fringe is a Jewish band that plays hebrew and english songs-but modern, as opposed to the old fogie types…I’m not really into their lyrics but the music itself is pretty good and this one song’s lyrics are just, well, see for yourself…the song is called “City of Gold” and for those of you that don’t understand, Jews refer to Jerusalem as the city of gold…so here it is…

What have I become when all I feel is numb to the numbers?

That’s all they are to me now.

I can’t read the news anymore.

It’s all the same to me. It’s all monotony.

When did I grow so cynical?

Nothing helps me, nothing helps. You see-

A wave of helplessness

has washed me away and I can’t get back.


I am lost without you; I need to be with you.

How can I help ease your pain? Just tell me what to do.

I am here without you, standing in the cold.

How can I help ease your pain, city of gold?

Not a day goes by that you’re not on my mind.

I’m mixed up with emotions,

I wanna take up arms, I need a hand to hold.

But there’s nothing I can do,

and there’s nothing worse than thinking that


I can’t stand to see the world close its’ eyes to the truth.

And I can’t stand to see myself standing still.

Some days I just wanna put it all behind

and come to you and comfort you.


So, how can I help…what can I do…? I’m sick of standing here, standing still…What can be done?

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