Breaking the silence…

It’s been a very long time since my last entry.

I’ve been married now for over two years, since October 2008.

My husband’s kids still live with their mother and come to us once a week for the afternoon/ evening and for every other weekend.

I can’t say it’s not hard. Trying to help raise and care about someone else’s children, no matter how much you love that man, and how smart and sweet the kids may be, is difficult. I’m always considering the issues logically, with my head and he’s always dealing with them emotionally, from the heart.

No matter how much we agree on things beforehand and understand the plan in advance, his emotions overtake and our partnership suffers.

I don’t entirely blame him and I know he doesn’t do it on purpose but it makes it much harder for me to feel like we’re partners and working towards things together.

I love him, more and more as each day goes by, but I still feel like it is so much work to keep us together and on the same page…

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January 27, 2011

I went through a period of only coming here sporadically. I hope you come back more frequently. It sounds like you have an interesting life to talk about. Found you on the front page – all the best to you.

January 29, 2011

wow, it’s great to hear from you again. mazel tov on 2 years. marriage is hard eh? and your situation more than many people’s. you must love him so much. kol hakavod for realizing this and for sticking with it. maybe you will find the time to update us more – miss you, and it can also help to write.