Be still my heart…

He just moved in with a friend of his, who is letting him stay there rent free. His friend is more religious, way more religious, which basically means that I won’t be so welcome to hang around in that apartment. That sums up the next 5-6 months, at least-with no privacy or any alone time.

So, last night, after he took me home(we had gone out to see a movie) he sent me this text message:

"It’s nice to feel close to someone again, and i’m glad that someone is you. I think we can survive not having any ‘privacy’  for a while if we can stay close. Even just holding hands or resting my hand on your leg is enough sometimes. We can make it work."

He wants me for me, he loves spending time with me, without any conditions or limitations. I love him for that. I just wish he was actually available, that I could really have him…He’s been making all sorts of comments and asking "what if" questions about 1-2 years down the line, and about our relationship being serious…It scares me. What scares me most is that I love it…

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February 4, 2007

wow …. what next ?

February 19, 2007

You’re not religious? Is that the problem?