Another memorial day…

Exactly one week after holocaust memorial day, on the jewish calendar comes memorial day for israeli soldiers and israeli citizens who died for their country or were victims of terrorist attacks…the thing is, I love my country and i’m proud to be an israeli and a jew but I have a problem…its very hard for me to feel anything on this memorial day…one week ago axactly, I felt a whole lot of emotions running in and out of my heart while commemorating a tragedy which every human being in the world should be remembering but today, not having anyone close to me a victim, its hard for me to find the right words to say or the right way to feel…

SO I guess all I can say and all I can feel that will be appropriate for this day and express my heart and soul to the fullest is: I, Miss Brainiac 2 U…, am a proud jew, proud of my heritage, proud of my country and proud to be part of the israeli nation…cry tears of pain and suffering in my heart for every fallen soldier and every victim of a terrorist attack…and hope each day that we can continue in spite of all that happens!

Am Yisrael Chay-The israeli/jewish nation lives on…

Remember that…

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