And now the real fun begins…

Well people, now the interesting part of my life begins…I had a talk with my mother tonight, mostly she asked questions and I answered them but you get the drift…and what basically came out of it was my blatantly telling her that i’m not gonna be religious…she asked more questions, she tried to understand and she cried…yea, she cried alot…and then she told me how she’ll always accept me and be there for me no matter how much it hurts her…but to tell you the truth, guys-I couldn’t feel it…I heard it, I watched it come out of her mouth but it just felt empty…she’ll never be there for me like  I need her to be because my way of life clashes with hers…my choice goes against anything shes ever tried to teach me…my decision disgusts her and breaks her heart…she can’t even look at me now without crying…but oh well, I guess thats life…different strokes for different folks…thats the way the cookie crumbles and all that shit…

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