And in the words of Bruce Willis…

Yippee kyaye, motherfuckers…!!!

I got a dress today for my sister’s wedding which is in less than three weeks…yippee…its a long black on black gown…black satin with embroidered black satin design…yes, its gorgeous, yes I might even look good…do I give a fuck? Ummmmm, let me mull it over a bit…no!!!

She’s such an unbelievbly selfish bitch and all of these wedding preparations are starting to piss me off…if they want to get married so damn fast let them deal with it…I don’t have to suffer!!!

Anyways, i’m just in a bad mood…hasn’t gone away yet since I broke my mom’s heart and severed my relationship with her forever…and it’ll probably be here for a while yet so you have two choices…bare with me, friends or fuck off, assholes!!!

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