And as jasmine said…

“I am not a prize to be won!”

Yep, I guess we can all agree with that…we are not prizes to be won, we are human beings with feelings and choices of our own to make…but in regard to what dear, sweet princess jasmine had to say…wouldn’t you want to feel at one point in your life that somebody wanted to win you, that somebody felt that strongly about you…? Aye, t’is just me wishful thinking of the heart…don’t pay me any mind…(said in an irish accent)…I just luv irish accents, they’re so damn sexy…I wanna meet an irish lad with raven black hair and emerald green eyes…a prince…lol, with my luck he’d probably turn into a frog…:0)

Anyways, about the last entry…I don’t have to worry about that guy anymore…we ended the whole relationship or better yet-I did…he said he didn’t want to get together with me at all so that there might not be a chance of one of us getting to attached to the other so in response to that totally fucked up and warped way of thinking I basically told him to go to hell cuz I don’t go for half-assed friendships…so, here I am…back at square one…i’m getting to know this square very, very well…:0) you know?

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