Tuckered Out
I’m exhausted, y’all. Exhausted!!
Wedding and graduation season is in full swing and it is keeping me on my toes!! I am so booked, it will be another month before I manage a day off. I actually refused orders Monday and Tuesday of this week in efforts to catch up on rest and housework, neither of which proved effective. I didn’t rest, but I wasn’t exactly productive. All I managed to accomplish was most of the laundry, half of the house, a crap ton of paperwork, and a whole lotta lovin’ on my Kitty Meow Meow.(And by Kitty Meow Meow, I’m talking about my Maine Coon. Don’t be weird!) I’d fold a load of laundry, pet the cat. Wash kitchen cabinets, pet the cat. Lordy. Now I am stuck looking at a half clean/organized house. This will drive me nuts, but maybe I will be too tired to care.
And neither of those options sound promising.
M had a great birthday!! He thought the nerf guns were awesome. I set up his arsenal on the counter, along with a mixed drink and a sign that said “I will find you and I will kill you”, so it would be the first thing he saw when he came in. I hid when I saw the truck pull in the driveway, and all I heard was “awwwww shit” when he walked in and saw the surprise. Later that night he said it was his best birthday ever. Score!!
I have nothing to write about. Or rather, I’m too tired to give a damn about what I write about!! And with that being said? I’m out, y’all!!
Well, business must be good since you’re so busy. I’m glad M enjoyed his birthday!
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I guess there’s an up and down side to being good at what you do!!
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LMAO! “awwwwww shit” is about the best reaction ever.
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