And then there was…an entry? Wow!

site meter

You want to know how long it has been since I have written an entry here in OD? Long enough that I forgot where to go to write a bloody entry. Oops.

So yeah. Hi everyone! How are y’all doing? 🙂

Okay, okay…bad Brooke. It isn’t like I have been avoiding OD, I actually come here quite regularly! I just don’t write. Or note. Or really do anything aside from read a few peeps. I keep saying I’ll write but I have come to the conclusion that me writing means I’ll have to confront my thoughts, my issues, my concerns and hell, I don’t want to do that! I have become a real champ at avoidance, let me tell you. I don’t know where this sense of spinelessness has come from, or how long it has dwelled within, but it is a miserable beast.

So much has changed in my life since my last entry that I don’t know where to begin. I know a few of you folks follow me on facebook ( for those of you I have somehow missed) but quite a few of you do not. Hmm…where to begin?

Alrighty. Let’s do it like this. I PROMISE I’ll write an entry each day this week…but you all tell me what you want to hear. What 4-1-1 do I need to catch you all up on? Once we get those questions out of the way we’ll continue with current events. Deadline for questions if Monday though! I’ll give you a bulletin of things that have changed and if you want me to give more information, then it is up to you to let me know!

* I am no longer with Nursefinders

* I was trying to get Sophisticated Sweets running

* I am now thinking about just applying for a state or federal job.

* Martin and I are well.

* My in-laws now LOVE me.

* My Mom is now talking to me.

* My Sperm Donor…or biological father, rather,  now wants to be a part of my life.

* We have considered selling our home and moving 45 miles plus East of here…but I doubt we will.

* I lost 75 pounds…but have gained back, like, 20 since I left NF. Balls.

* The older I get the more unsocial I get.

* I am tired of user friends

* We have a new rabbit!

I think that sums it up?

I seriously need to upgrade the membership, go through all 1,000 plus entries that I have made private, sort them into chapters and determine what to make public and what to keep private. Oh good grief.


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glad your back, oh and just leave stuff private, save yourself the work dear!