Do I believe in soulmates? I believe there’s a person out there that will always know who you are, that will know exactly how to make you smile, that will read your mind and complete your sentences. Doesn’t have to be your partner, husband or boyfriend. It can be your best friend, your sister or brother.
I am just lucky that I found my soulmate on my best friend and husband.
If soulmates exist then my husband is definitely my soulmate. In my first entry back here, in OD, I talked a bit about how I met my husband in here. So I’ll take this opportunity to write our story.
Back in 2001 I was depressed, I was living in Canada where I went to college. I couldn’t understand me, myself or the world that surrounded me and someone, can’t remember who, said that maybe getting on OD and writing a journal could help so I thought that it wouldn’t hurt to try. Od helped me to understand some feelings and to vent about some others. It wasn’t until 2002 that I met Adrian (Big_Heart in case anyone remember him) I was searching for diaries written by fellow mexicans ( I was back in Mexico because my depression didn’t take cold weather so well) and I found him. He had beautiful entries, with a lot to say, a lot to express and I couldn’t help but read the whole thing. ( he wrote A LOT). I left notes (first note was on July 11th 2002), he answered them and one day he asked me for my MSN messenger e-mail (yeah, that old). I’m sure he doesn’t remember much of the first time that we chatted but I do; we talked all night about us, in general, about life, about the movies we like (that has always been a thing for us), the music we like and a lot of jokes. He made me laugh so much!
After a couple of months of knowing each other online he asked me to spend his birthday with him, we would meet and that was exciting. At this point I only saw him as a friend, he knew a lot about me, more than most people in my life; he always had a way of making me snap out of depressive moods or making me laugh when things seem dark. He was my best friend. So, we met on his 24th birthday. We sat down and talked for hours! It was as if we knew each other since forever, it wasn’t weird or awkward. It was perfect.
I went home and mom asked me if I liked him more than a friend. I immediately said no but I alsa said “He is the man I’m going to marry” How did I know that? I have no idea, I just knew and after that I forgot that.
Almost one year after we exchange that first note on OD I realized I was in love. We didn’t see each other in person again and he was busy with some school related stuff and he was babysitting his nephew so we didn’t talk as much as we wanted. I missed him in some strange painful way, I thought about him a lot, I was in love. Around that same time, he met a girl. He wrote about the girl here on OD, I cried like a baby, I couldn’t help it I had to let him know how I felt. So, I did. I wrote him an e-mail letting him know how I felt about him. He said he didn’t feel the same, he wanted me as a friend he actually said ” I need you as a friend, you are my best friend”. I had some dark moments, I was in love with my best friend and I had to read about him being in love with some other girl every day! It was torture!!!!!!!!!!!
Eventually, the girl broke his heart. I was there to put it together, as a friend We would see each other once a week, go to the movies, have lunch and talk. Suddenly, one day, we were holding hands and then one day on April 2004 he said he couldn’t live without me and he wanted me to be his girlfriend.
We were together for 4 years and then on March 15th 2008 we got married. On August 2011 our daughter was born and on February 2016 our son was born and here we are. One complete family (no more kids) and all thanks to OD.
That’s all for now.
See you around, everybody!
Great love story, especially the ending! Glad you believe in soulmates. I have not read too many writers here who do.
@altair Well, I didn’t believe either until I found one. It even took me some years to realize that what I was indeed having was a soulmate!
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