A Tiring Day of Nothing
Today I slept in until about 11:00am, which felt sooo luxurious after a week of waking up at 6:00. I’m not used to getting up before about 9 or 10, so this week was really jarring. I haven’t done a single thing today, other than some homework readings and calling home. Yet somehow… I feel totally exhausted.
This coming week will be a really busy one for me because I am traveling home at the weekend. So, I need to make up for all the stuff I’ll miss by jam packing the rest of my week. There is one day this week when I’m busy from 8:00 am to 10:00pm, not including commute time. It’s depressing to just think about. I’m not used to being busy at all; I’m accustomed to only being out from about 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
I want to unwind a bit by reading or watching Netflix, but I feel guilty not being productive. What a bummer! Hopefully the week isn’t as crazy as I’m expecting it to be, and I’m praying for peace throughout it. Next week should be better, aside from the fact that I’ll be prepping to go to London… Again, I’m tired just thinking about it all.
Just take it one day at a time, make it through one day, then the next, then the next…. After that you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. You will be glad you can put it all behind you. Take good care.
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Whatever you do, have fun!!!
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