My first piece.

“The man who invented the total perspective vortex did so, basically, to annoy his wife.”

I’m writing this, as a way of sending stuff for random people who are not me to read, and tell me who they think I am. Please feel free to insult me, or agree with me, because I’m not going to get offended. Why should I?For all I know you may not exist. Now doesn’t that sound deep.

First information, I am not a deep person. Don’t let this fool you into thinking I’m shallow. I’m not that either. But deep people live on a mountain in caves, and think trancendant thoughts all day. I live in a city, and do student stuff all day. I’m not deep.

I am, however, quite interesting, if only because I’m quite interested. And therefore, I like people to tell me what they think.

If you have kept up this far, give yourself a pat on the back. You’re more intelligent then me, I lost track of myself in the first paragraph. I do not control the hands, they control me. Which is nice.

So in answer to the question no one has asked, or ever will. Why am I the boiling man?

Read James O Barrs, “The Crow”, comic book, my favourite all time read, and it will give you deep insight into the way I think all the time. As well as giving money to that wonderful man who is responsible for my ideals on right and wrong, and all the areas of grey in between.

I actually was going to be called the Crow, but I thought, “how fucking pretentious is that”.

Anyone who knows me in real life will by now have worked out who I am. I’m asking you not to read any more posts I put up. This is for the faceless only. You can ask me questions in real life, and get (semi) honest answers.

I think that’s my initial ramble done. Please come back again, there will be more complete crap.

“and if you’re very lucky, I may even read you some of my poetry”.

Some of it is good, most of it is shit, but at least I don’t pretend it contains deep insights into the universe. Just into the way I think, and feel when I write it.

And no. I’m not a 13 year old Goth, Lucretia.


The boiling man

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hehehe – douglas adams!

Hey it’s ME! Shellie! I came to visit you :o)